Day 3 of Gratitude - Jeff Shatto

31 Days of Gratitude - In an attempt to publicly express my gratitude for the people that have impacted me in some way in 2015, I'm setting out to write one post a day sharing what I appreciate about them or what moment that marked me. Some of these people I know well, some I've only met, and some I'm just getting to know. There is no ranking to these posts and they aren't meant to put anyone on a pedestal. They, like you and I, are imperfect people with their own flaws, some you may have experienced. Despite those flaws, I believe we all need to have our positive characteristics called into light and celebrated. This is that attempt. 

Where do I begin with Jeff Shatto? Should I begin 10 years ago at one of the first times I joined Jeff on a NeighborLink project where we first learned what hoarding was when we tried to help an older couple pack up their belongings to move. I've never packed up more trash in my life and I certainly learned just how important it is to serve others with others. We still laugh about a random shoe from that project. I could start there, but what about the story of moving a widow from a 2 bedroom apartment that had over 80 different pieces of luggage. I know it was that many because when you see that many come into a moving truck, you start counting on the way out to see just how many there are. There are dozens of stories that could give you insights into just how significant of a friendship Jeff and I have developed over the years through loving others, riding bikes, talking about cars, being at the end of our capacity, and eating ground beef tacos. 

One of the greatest gifts Jeff has given me and I know countless others is, loyalty. Anything I've ever asked of Jeff, he's figured out a way to make it happen, and he's done it with a generous heart. All the positive characteristics that go along with your thoughts around the term loyalty, Jeff processes. He's stood on steep pitch roofs with me when everyone bailed. He's rescued me when I've gotten flat tires on my bike miles from home when no one else could answer their phone. He stays up late in the cold and rain after a long week at NeighborLink to keep time and welcome runners to the finish line of our Night Moves running events. He's helped me move, loved my family, works harder for me than I could ever ask him to do, and even comes to fertilize my lawn because I'm terrible at doing anything other than cutting it. He's done so much more for me than I've done for him. 

The most important part of all of these things is that its just not because we're friends and he's been kind to me, but because he loves so many others with this same generosity and intentionality. He and his wife are truly some of the nicest, thoughtful, and generous people Michelle and I know.  

Jeff took a big risk two years ago by choosing to consider working with me at NeighborLink after we had a candidate back out of their interest in working with us. Jeff left the security of a good job to take a job that doesn't pay that great, has no benefits, and was only a 2-year guarantee at the time. It's been one of the most valuable and encouraging things that has happened to me professionally in the past two years. I was burning out, desperate for some help, and disappointed things were as challenging as they were. He's been a breathe of life to me the past two years, works tirelessly, and does so much for NeighborLink that I was never able to offer our community of volunteers. Thanks for joining in this roller coaster of a world at NL. It's good to do this work with you. 

Thanks for being a loyal friend, Jeff. I've needed it.  

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

Day 4 of Gratitude - The Fairs


Day 2 of Gratitude - My Wife