What We've Been Working On at NeighborLink

It felt like a great time to give you a recap of all the cool, innovative, and necessary items that we’ve been working on at NeighborLink to improve your overall experience. We’ve been hard at work on the website and other programs that will help recipients get help and for volunteers to connect to those needs. 

Crowd Source Fund-raising Tool
By mid-October, we expect to launch a new tool on the website that will give Coaches the ability to fund-raise for the projects they take on. Donor confidence in online giving is soaring and their desire to direct their resources straight at the project gives them the confidence that their funds are truly making a difference. At NeighborLink, we see you respond overwhelmingly to immediate asks for resources every time. We know fund-raising for projects can be hard and this tool will help Coaches and NeighborLink do that while allowing everyone to connect directly to projects, even those that can’t be physically present but want to help financially. 

Fall Leaf Raking Challenge Coming Soon
The 3rd Annual Fall Leaf Raking Challenge is in the works for mid-October. This is our event where we encourage you to self-mobilize to spend some time with your families, small groups, and neighbors while raking yards of those that physically cannot. More information will be coming soon!

Strategic Volunteers
I have been blessed recently as the Executive Director by a number of strategic volunteers who’ve decided to join me in making this organization work smoothly. Larry, Erica, and Ryan are all stepping up in fantastic ways and are working on many initiatives that I have been unable to get to. They are working on many of these initiatives in this email. 

Video Series
We are creating a video tutorial series that will break down concepts that are relevant to the volunteer experience one can expect at NeighborLink. We know that it’s often easier to understand concepts by listening rather than reading and belief 1-5min videos will help do that for you. Expect to see these videos by end of October and mid-November. 

Website Maintenance
Everyone that has visited our site in an effort to find ways to help out have felt overwhelmed by our swelling posted project list. Many Coaches have also called on projects only to find them already completed or no longer needed. This is changing! Larry has agreed to be the project list manager and make sure the posted project list is maintained by making sure that each project has been checked on every 2-3 weeks until it’s completed. As you may have seen if you’ve been on the website recently, he’s updating the project description box as he connects with those recipients. This should reduce the number of bad projects. 

We need your help as well. Coaches, please manage your projects and remove them if they are complete. Help us reduce the number of projects in the planning stage because this is confusing for the Volunteers on the website that are looking for projects to join. If you need help doing that, please contact me.

Website Login Issues
We’ve been receiving notes from registered Volunteers that you have been having trouble logging into the website. We’re troubleshooting the issues and doing our best to keep that from happening. Keep trying to login and if you’re still having problems, make sure to let me know. 

Thank you for your continued support and your desire to be obedient to the call God has placed on your hearts. I’ve been reminded a lot lately that NeighborLink doesn’t exist just to do good work in the community. We’ve been called to be reconciled with God and reconcile God’s people back to Him. NeighborLink is just a tool that He’s using to bring us all into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Andrew Hoffman

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


NeighborLink Recipient Needs Masonry Help