Recent Recipient Email

Thank goodness your site is back up!  I’ve tried to get on and thought my computer was messed up!  Shows how much I know… Should’ve asked the kids… 
The “Breakfast Gang" came to our home and did a bang-up job!  They even found and did extra projects that were much needed!  We are TWICE as grateful  because  A) We know there are many other things they could have spent their time doing and B) Spent that time being such a help to us!

Thank you again so VERY much, Patty & Boyz

This recipient even called this week wanting to know how to help out by volunteering within her abilities. She’s going to start making some phone calls and checking in on the projects that haven’t been selected yet. I love receiving these kinds of emails.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

CANI Poverty Simulation - May 20th


I Dare You To Look