Parting Thoughts From Our Intern, Janae.

My fantastic intern, Janae, finalized her internship with NeighborLink Fort Wayne recently. She took the time to write some final, parting thoughts about her experience at NeighborLink. 

Right before I was going to submit this story I broke my foot and found myself at the mercy of others to do things I normally take for granted. I’ve had to learn to accept help and realize I can’t do everything I used to do myself. Simple tasks now take more time and effort. Yet my injury is only temporary, not like the injuries or dehabilitating diseases that others face. Many of the people I spoke to over the course of the last few months were in situations that made them unable to do the tasks that many of us take for granted. Even doing simple yard work had become too difficult to complete for some people. For many people that we come across at Neighborlink, this is there last hope. The rest of the world has turned their heads and closed their eyes, but we have the chance to step in and make a difference.

 I learned over the course of these last few months that sitting back and ignoring the suffering and hardships others are facing around you is not what we are called to do. Loving others and meeting them where they are at is the essence of our calling as Christians. Sharing the love of Jesus with others is more than just saying I’ll pray for you and then moving on with your life, it is letting your hands get dirty and working with those in need. People in our community have real, practical needs that need met, and we as Christians can be the ones who are the forefront meeting those needs.

In the last few months I have seen how God has brought hope to those in need. Most of my work consisted of making phone calls to individuals who left a message with Neighborlink with some sort of need, yet through that I was able to talk to people and learn their stories. One man I spoke to told me how he was about to be reunited with his long last son. I learned to have patience and just let the people share their stories. Sometimes people just needed someone to talk to, and I was there to listen.

I truly enjoyed hearing people’s stories and also realized how blessed I am in my life. I think now I take less for granted and God has stirred a desire inside of me to help others. I have enjoyed my time spent here with Neighborlink and hope to still stayed involved through projects from time to time. 

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


NeighborLink Yard Signs Are Available