You Want To Know What I'm Excited About?

I’m excited about the fact that there have been 60 more “connections" made to date in 2010 than this time in 2009. I refer to our projects as connections because that’s a more accurate word for what’s really happening. As you know, we’re not a “projects" organization as much as we’re a “relationships" organization.

There have been 222 connections made so far in 2010. We’ve got retired guys meeting twice a week to build community amongst themselves and to do projects together. We’ve had a team come from out of town to serve in our community for a few days. We’ve had volunteers representing over 20 Fort Wayne churches come to the website and self mobilize themselves to meet the needs of homeowners who are in a tough spot financially and physically.

I have a hard time trying to explain the significance of this activity and numbers just don’t seem to do it justice. Numbers are just numbers and unless you’ve been one of the volunteers that have experienced transformation from hands on activity, you just won’t get the significance. The inability to explain your experience is the beauty of catching a glimpse of the Kingdom of God of which we read so much about.

Just in the past week there have been yards mowed, air conditioners installed, leaky sinks fixed, gutters cleaned, relationships developed, and relationships restored. Our volunteers have met new people and seen old friends as they’ve served.

Just in the past week, encouragement and hope has flown from God in and through His people in the form of service. Hearts have been softened and faith restored that He’s not forgotten us. This is worth celebrating.

The challenge I have for you is to push the connections made in 2010 over the 300 mark. It’s 40 more projects than we did in all of 2009. That means we’ve got a bit of work to do to get 78 more projects done. The projects are there and will continue to come in as the fall approaches.

I have faith that this 300 number will tumble early this Fall as you catch the vision of what it means to care for those in need in our community. If the Holy Spirit that speaks to my heart speaks to yours, I know it’s only a matter of making a choice to love your neighbor.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


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