Update - Transformation on Cook Rd Project

The Nameless crew has been progressing on their Cook Rd project in the past few weeks. Here is an update from them with some new pictures of their progress. 

We started in on this project knowing that it would be the largest we have
taken on. The farther we have gotten into it, the more that reality has been
showing itself. The deeper we have gotten into the inside of this house, the
more things we have found that are necessary to be fixed in order to make
this house livable.

This was expected to some extent, but we have been somewhat surprised about
how long it can take a group to pull something like this off. The amount of
support we have had thus far has been very encouraging for the most part,
but we need to keep that level of interest going to the end, which is not in
full view yet.

Another great positive is that the homeowner’s grandaughter has been very
engaged, and has stepped up her efforts in some other areas as much as she
can. She has gotten help with cabinets, electrical, and a few other things
already from others (outside of our group). I think this is a great example
of how NeighborLink is supposed to work. She has become more engaged in
making this happen as opposed to sitting and waiting to see what happens.

This has been a great postive for our group as well. It has helped us grow,
and also has been improving our unity, knowledge and confidence. It has also
been great for visibility which is very important for the future of
NeighborLink and “The Nameless." Overall, this has been a wonderful
experience so far, and I have been very encouraged at the way so many people
have offered support in many different ways. Thanks to everyone!

Thanks, Brandon, Carrie, and Darren

Terry of YUM MEE’s bakery personally dropped off treats to the crew while working on this project! Thanks so much! The crew loved the treats!

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.
