Turning 30 & Riding Across The Country to Celebrate

There are two main causes that I get behind with my time and resources. Locally, it’s NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Globally, it’s World Relief and specifically in the Democratic Republic of Congo


In 2008, my wife and I had the privilege of traveling to an epicenter of human tragedy in DRC. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has suffered a long history of conflict and destruction. With over four million deaths in the last eight years caused directly or indirectly by conflict, the DRC continues to lose 1,200 people every single day—half of them children. Rich in natural resources, the Congo lacks the infrastructure and support to develop its economy. The spread of HIV and continuing conflict between over 200 language and tribal groups provide significant barriers to development.

Read More About DRC via World Relief - Link

Read More About DRC via BBC News - Link

In just a few days I turn 30 years old (May 8th). I’m choosing to do something significant to enter into a new decade of life and am asking you to join me. 


Starting on July 30th, I will be joining 7 other cyclists, including 2 friends from Fort Wayne and the CEO of World Relief on a cross country bike race we’re calling the “Race for Congo." In 7 days we will ride 2,800 miles from Bend,OR (home of a World Relief office) to Baltimore, MD (World Relief Headquarters) as fast as we can. 

We are hoping to raise awareness for a country that is NOT getting the media attention and world intervention it needs to bring stability for the people there. And, we’re hoping to raise a whole lot of money in the process. 

I’m asking you to join me this summer in spirit and with your checkbook. We’re finalizing the trip website, social media channels and the online donation capabilities. If you would be interested in receiving an email notice when that’s complete, please visit this page and give an email address. I’ll send out a note when the site is up. 

Despite the challenges facing the people of DRC, there is hope. World Relief is dedicated to empowering and equipping the leaders of these communities. I’ve seen their work first hand on the ground in DRC and I’m committed to supporting them. 

Here’s some additional pictures from our trip in 2008. You can see a full gallery by clicking on any of them. 


These women collected small amounts of food from their churches and joined together to make food for the local hospital. If you’re in the hospital, your family is responsible for bringing you food. If you don’t have family to do that, you don’t eat. 


This is an IDP (Internally Displaced People) Camp full of people that have been forced from their homes due to the violence by rebel groups. Many people have been here for years.


This picture shows everyone pitching in to cultivate this field to get ready for harvest season. Marcel, in the middle, is from DRC and works for World Relief. 


Here is a picture of our team. My wife and I are there in the front. 

Feel free to email me if you have questions about the trip or about DRC.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

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