“The United Way Day of Caring is a great event. It encourages people to mobilize in groups to make a difference. I would encourage everyone to contact your local United Way to learn how you and your business can get involved. It is a great and easy way to get involved and help your community. I do, however, want to challenge the concept of one day of giving. I believe that there are individuals and companies who feel very good about their accomplishments during this event and they should. They deserve credit for their actions and I commend them for getting involved. But why do we have to wait until a great organization like the United Way creates an event to get involved. We all, as individuals, as groups, as organizations, and as communities can have DAYS, WEEKS, and MONTHS of giving. We cannot be content with one Day of Caring. We should all be willing to care everyday about our neighbors and our community. Caring and giving to others day in and day out will create great communities.”
Well said my friends.