On Killing Great Ideas

I’ve had to kill a few great ideas lately and it always sucks. These ideas have been a culmination of a few years of learning from what works and what doesn’t. They were great ideas, but ultimately had bad timing. You may even question at this point whether it was a good idea or not, and you’d be right in asking that question.

However, it’s hard to kill them when you’ve invested time and resources into their development, and even got the right people on board to execute them. The tough calls in leadership must be made and ultimately those ideas have to be put aside.

The great hope in killed ideas is that there are elements of that idea you can hold onto or adapt to another area or idea you’re working on. In your frustration, be careful not to give up completely and let the often overwhelming thought of, “What’s next?" take over and loose your focus.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

Sometimes It Just Doesn't Make Sense


Between Vision and Execution