NeighborLink Friends Ask For Help

One of my NeighborLink Advisory Group member and his wife have gotten really involved in taking projects over the past 8 months or so and they’re asking for your help. The story of their most recent connection through NeighborLink is below. 

Not knowing how else to help, I’m coming to you via this blog and my social media platforms. 


My wife and I had been looking for a Neighborlink project to complete in my father’s name as a Christmas gift.  He always puts others before himself and was getting depressed about how easy it was to completely miss the point of CHRISTmas.  So, while looking on the website, we stumbled on this specific posting.

The recipient had recently lost his job and has been having a heck of a time finding anything else.  He and his wife have 5 children under the age of 8.  Unfortunately, their washer and dryer completely broke down. 

This would cause problems for anyone, but even more so for a family of that size.

So, we went and bought the biggest washer and dryer we could find at HHGregg (who, by the way, is happy to provide most products at their cost to Neighborlink). 


After they delivered and installed them, Jenel and I went over to their house to visit.  The first thing we noticed was the huge sense of relief on their faces.  Through the visit and subsequent, frequent phone conversations, I believe that my father’s gift and Neighborlink volunteers accomplished something HUGE for Christ.  They continue to tell us how much it meant to them and how we, my father, and Neighborlink serve as an example of Christ’s love.

The recipient is a strong Christian, loving husband, and strong father.  It’s extremely important for him to be able to provide for his family.  Although there are certainly other ways Neighborlink could help him around the house, etc., he’d really appreciate the means to take care of them himself.

It’s been pretty heavy on my heart to do everything I can to help this man find a job.  I’ve helped him create a resume and apply for a few positions, but nothing has turned up yet.  In full disclosure, he has a few knocks against his records, but I feel they are no longer an issue. You can ask me for more info if you have something that might fit.

If anyone has any ideas or leads, please contact me ASAP.

Here’s his info:

  • One of the most service-oriented attitudes and set of passions that I’ve ever come across.  Even in his current situation, he continues to find ways to help others.
  • extremely friendly and down-to-earth
  • fantastic one-on-one communication skills — very personable
  • high school diploma
  • industrial experience (10-15 years)
  • retail experience (2-3 years)
  • able to handle manual labor (ex-football player, 6’5", 250lbs)
I’m looking for leads, ideas, or simply prayers.  Feel free to have anyone contact me at ANY time.  Thanks for all your help!

Brett Meyer
Facebook: brett.e.meyer
Twitter: brettemeyer
Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


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