My Reflections from The Justice Conference

I recently returned from a 4-day trip to Bend, OR for The Justice Conference. 

Here is a brief intro from their website. Check out their website for the full details. 

The Justice Conference is about the nature of justice.   Justice as the foundation of human rights.  Justice as the expression of equality.  Justice as the fabric of freedom. Justice as forgiveness.  Justice as reconciliation. Justice as restored relationship between the creator and the created.  Justice as the very nature of God.

The church I attend has a partnership with one of the conference sponsors, World Relief, in DRCongo and the event was an opportunity for a few of our church’s pastors and myself to spend time with their staff. I was also able to meet with some potential NL partners in Portland while we were out there. It’s always good to meet face-to-face. 

The conference was great for two reasons. 

1. We were able to accomplish a lot in regards to our partnership in DRCongo since we were able to spend so much time with key leaders that make that partnership work. We were also able to meet with two other churches there that have an interest in DRCongo and want to collaborate with us in our approach towards Peace Building and Development there. It was the answer to the prayers we’ve been praying.

2. The conference was full of great speakers and great leaders from around the county that engage in justice and humanity issues. It was refreshing to be in a room of over 1,000 people working towards changing the context of so many people in unjust situations around the world, including the US. It was renewing to me as we attempt at NeighborLink to engage in Justice related issues with our recipients. It’s more than just volunteering.

Here are a few quotes from the speakers that I wrote down that I resonate with and/or am processing. 

We throw up our hands asking God to do something. And, He responds, “I did do something, I made you. Now get out and do something." - Shane Claiborne

Faith can move mountains, but beware because God might hand you a shovel. - Shane Claiborne

Your efforts may start at charity, but it will lead to Justice. We are made by God to live for Justice. - Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff

You can control Charity but you cannot control Justice - Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff

In order to provide Justice, you must try to lift the oppression, which will be full of resistance which leads to persecution. - Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff

Throughout the conference, the tone was about setting a biblical context for why Christ-followers must engage in Justice related issues in order for to be living Kingdom oriented lives. It convicts us to wrestle with the tension of not having a choice to say no and still be obedient to our calls.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

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Meet Janae - NeighborLink Intern