January Adventures

I leave this weekend for about a two week stretch that has me going to three other cities for a couple of different reasons, but closely related. I have a CCDA Emerging Leaders Cohort retreat in Jackson, MS next week and I’m doing some research on the feasibility of launching into a full blown video based series/curriculum at NeighborLink. We’re trying to figure what makes the most sense when it comes to educating, equipping, and training volunteers not only in Fort Wayne, but in all NeighborLink locations. 

First up, I’ll be heading to Atlanta, GA to spend time with some fellow CCDA Emerging Leader Cohort members who work for an organization called, FCS Ministries. FCS been working and pioneering the Christian community development model in South Atlanta for around 30 years. 

I’ll be looking to discuss and trying to understand what role a NeighborLink model could play in an established organization like this. As we continue to expand from the Network perspective, we’re having conversations with organizations like these and who better to get insight from than FCS.

I’ll also be looking to gain some wisdom from these longtime practitioners on the content of this video series. I’m also working on securing a couple of meetings with some creative folks that may help shape some of our creative direction with the videos.

There is a lot of great talent in Atlanta that is focused socially minded and innovative initiatives. 

After Atlanta, I’ll carpool with several others from Atlanta area to Jackson, MS for our CCDA retreat. This retreat is going to be a great time of fellowship with peers and getting a personalized tour by Dr. John Perkins of his ministry, life story, and some of the history behind the Civil Rights movement as it played out in and around Jackson, MS.

The CCDA board of directors will be with us for a portion of the time as well. So, I am looking forward to having my mind and worldview stretched beyond it’s current understanding by these brilliant people. Feeling really bless by this opportunity. 

From Jackson I then head to Denver, CO, one of my favorite places, to visit some college friends and do some more networking and research for this video series. I’ll be spending time with Ryan Taylor and others from Mile High Ministries. They also have been working in Denver for quite a long time. One of the programs that operates out of MHM is a called, Urban Entry, which makes video series focused on primarily ministry in urban settings. Hoping to learn from their experiences and find a collaborators for our series. 

Overall, I’m looking forward to this trip. It’s been really neat to see my network grow across the nation and meet great people doing really interesting work. I hate being gone from my family for that long of time and am grateful for their sacrifices to allow this type of trip to happen. My wife is a champ.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


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