Incarnate 2010


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Incarnate is a micro-conference on November 19th for area church leaders to explore the level of incarnational impact the Church in Fort Wayne is achieving on our city. Together, we are Christ’s Body sent to live as Christ in our city.  Are we on mission?  Is our collective witness faithful?  Are we reducing lostness?  Is Fort Wayne changing for the better because of our presence?  Would anyone outside the Church notice if we disappeared? 

Incarnate is designed to explore these must-ask questions; inviting leaders of the Church in Fort Wayne to share about their witness and to affirm, network, and partner with others in your geography unto greater Kingdom witness.  Plus, hear from several organizations equipped to help the Church incarnate into the lives of people in the margins of our city.   

Join us and be unified and energized in our collective mission to incarnate the life of Christ in our city.

  • Unity of Spirit
  • Honest Assessment
  • Sharpened Clarity
  • Motivating Conversation
  • Tangible Next Steps

Joe Johns, Fellowship Missionary Church

John Barce, Blackhawk Ministries

Luther Whitfield, New Covenant Worship Center & Youth For Christ

Andrew Hoffman, Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne

November 19th, 2010  -  8am - 3pm

Parkview Field  - Suite Level Lounge

(Parking available in Silver Lot just outside main entrance)

Breakfast will be provide & Lunch downtown on your own

Space is limited to 100 people

This is a Free Event to Fort Wayne area pastors, home community leaders and faith-based nonprofit/ministry leaders.

If you’re not sure if you fit those categories or you know you don’t but want to come, contact Andrew Hoffman at NeighborLink. 

8 - 8:30am  -  Breakfast & Networking

8:30 - 9am  -  Welcome - Introduction - Prayer

9 - 10am  -  Interactive #1

Assessing the Impact of the Church on our City — Is Change Happening?

10:15 - 11:15am  -  Interactive #2

Recovering a Missional Theology. Are We Driven by Mission and Sent-Ness?

11:15 - 12:30pm  -  Lunch On Your Own Downtown

12:30 - 1:30pm  -  Interactive #3

Sharing Your Ministry Story. What is Your Ministry Doing to Impact Those Inside Your Community?

1:45 - 2:45pm  -  Interactive #4

Incarnational Aids — What Tools Exist to Help Us Facilitate Incarnational Impact in Our Churches? Panel format of area nonprofit leaders

2:45 - 3pm  -  Prayer of Sending

If you would like to attend Incarnate 2010, please contact Andrew Hoffman at NeighborLink - 260.710.7611

This event is being sponsored by NeighborLink Fort Wayne

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


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