How To Vote For NeighborLink on June 4th!

NeighborLink Fort Wayne is competing in Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good program to win a Toyota truck. You can help NeighborLink Fort Wayne win a vehicle to better serve our community! It’s easy, just follow the simple steps outlined below.


1) Sign in to your Facebook account.

2) Search for Toyota USA or go to

3) Click on “100 Cars for Good" link on the left side of the page.

4) Click on “Vote Today."

5) Each of the five non-profits will have a “Vote" check box in the upper right corner. Check the checkbox for NeighborLink Fort Wayne. A pop-up will appear with the word “Confirm." You will need to check the box for “I have read and accept the Voting Rules," then click “vote" (at this point you may have to allow the app to access some of your information. Please click on “allow," right after you vote you can “unlike" Toyota thus severing any connection the app has to any of your information).

6) After you vote, get your friends to vote, too! Send out emails, Facebook posts, and tweets to all your friends asking them to vote. Voting runs from 5am-11pm CST, so let’s make it count!

Thank you for your vote!

Tell me more about the competition 

Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good program will award 100 vehicles over the course of 100 days to 100 deserving nonpro#t organizations based on votes from the public via The organization with the most votes wins a new Toyota. Visitors to can vote once a day for the organization that they feel is most deserving of a new Toyota vehicle.

NeighborLink Fort Wayne is one of five organizations highlighted for voting TODAY, June 4.

Tell me more about NeighborLink Fort Wayne

NeighborLink has a mission of practical, neighbor-to-neighbor expressions of God’s love. We’re a grass-roots, volunteer based organization breaking down the barriers between people in need and those that can make a difference by leveraging web-based technology. We are focused on mobilizing the church to meet the needs of people that can’t find help through traditional social services with the hope that relationships are formed and transformation happens.

If we win the truck, it will be put to use hauling materials and tools from job site to job site. It will be used to move belongings of those who can’t afford moving companies or can’t physically move themselves. It will be used to do all the projects that go unmet due to not having the vehicle to perform the work.

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.
