Funded Project Report - Project 4162

So grateful to lead an organization that makes things like this a priority. To serve with a group of people that believe it’s their calling to love their neighbor as God loved us. To be in a community that regardless of faith, they’ll come together to help the most vulnerable among us. 

If we can keep doing this, imagine what our neighborhoods will be like. 

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.


10 Things You Should Know About How 2012 Went at NeighborLink