Feed My Starving Children - Volunteers Needed - Pathway Community Church

Our friends over at Pathway Community Church in Fort Wayne are trying to put together 400,000 meals for an organization called Feed My Starving Children and they need YOUR VOLUNTEER help

Last year they packed 200,000 and this year they’re doubling their efforts. Feed My Starving Children sends these meals to starving children all over the world. 

Between October 13th - 15th, Pathway needs over 1900 volunteers to make this happen over 12 shifts. Are you up for the challenge? 

Here are shifts open & total numbers of volunteers needed:

  • 73 spots - Thursday (13th) 1:30 - 3:30pm
  • 16 spots - Thursday (13th) 9:00 - 11:00pm
  • 55 spots - Friday (14th) 9:00 - 11:00am
  • 56 spots - Friday (14th) 1:30 - 3:30pm

You can sign up by emailing me or by going to this link:


What a great opportunity to join the over 1,700 volunteers already signed up for this event. Sign up today. 

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

Coming Soon - Crowdfunding Donation Tool


10 Simple Ways To Be Missional In Your City - Part 1 | Verge Network