Bike Ride With Team NeighborLink - Sat June 23rd
You are invited to join a few of our committed Team NL riders and myself for a group ride on Saturday morning, June 23rd. Riding bikes with a bunch of others is a lot more fun than riding on our own, plus it will be great to see you.
Saturday, June 23rd
Roll out time - 7:30am - Be done by 9:30a at the latest.
Meet at: Maple Creek Middle School parking lot (425 Union Chapel Rd, Fort Wayne - 46845)
We’ll shoot for 30 miles, ride a pace that fits the group, or break up into two groups as we get going. Think touring ride rather than training ride and we can be flexible.
Email me with a yes and a cell number if you can make it. This way I can call or text everyone if something comes up or the weather is iffy.
ps… if you’d like to ride with us, but this date doesn’t work, let me know. We’re hoping to get some regular rides going.