DAY 13 Of Gratitude - Brett Meyer

31 Days of Gratitude - In an attempt to publicly express my gratitude for the people that have impacted me in some way in 2015, I'm setting out to write one post a day sharing what I appreciate about them or what moment that marked me. Some of these people I know well, some I've only met, and some I'm just getting to know. There is no ranking to these posts and they aren't meant to put anyone on a pedestal. They, like you and I, are imperfect people with their own flaws, some you may have experienced. Despite those flaws, I believe we all need to have our positive characteristics called into light and celebrated. This is that attempt. 

I'm not sure I can express my gratitude for Brett fully in a blog post based on all the ways he's saved the day for me at NeighborLink. Honestly, without Brett, NL would not be what it is today, at least not technologically. Brett started out as a volunteer and after doing a few projects asked if we ever needed help with web development because that's what he does for a living. Me never wanting to turn away a volunteer, especially one offering professional skills, connected him to the web developer that was building a new website from the bottom up for us. What Brett quickly learned was just how big of a problem we were having with that developer in trying to get the project finished. Brett stepped up to help for a couple of months and eventually came to me saying that he could take over the project and not only help get the project done, but do it for nothing. This was a huge deal because Brett was offering thousands of dollars worth of time. 

Since then, he's given easily $40,000 worth of development time to NL based on market rate for his talents. Not only is he generous with his professional talents, he's always volunteering and donating to projects. He's ran for Team NeighborLink and even became a board member a couple of years. He's been investing significantly since his mid-20s, which is unlike his peers in so many ways. He's truly a unique and special guy married to a wonderful woman who supports all of this. 

I'm obviously grateful for Brett's generosity, but I'm also grateful for his spirit. He's kind, generous, honest, and always willing to help no matter the time of the day. He's convicted to be obedient to the call of his Faith to love his neighbor as himself and to do it with all he's got. Thank you Brett for all your help over the years, and most of all, the friendship. We always have a good time together when we can find the time outside of NL stuff. 

Your leadership is apparent and I'm glad I get to see it in person. 

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

Day 14 of Gratitude - The Hoffman Bros


Day 12 of Gratitude - Night Moves Running Series