10 NeighborLink Projects Needing Attention

Update 9.2 - 3 Projects Were Selected!

It can get overwhelming to know what project to choose with 147 projects in our Available Projects listing. It doesn’t take long to get the feeling of “where do I begin?" 

So, I’ve decided to pull out 10 projects that I want to draw special attention to in hopes that it may help you in your decision making process. I’ve tried to provide you with project that have tight time deadlines for the recipients and a variety of projects that just about anyone can do. If you don’t see a project in this list that fits your skill set, don’t hesitate to check out the list and find another project. 

Remember…..You must be registered as a Coach to login and select a project. Once you’re a Coach, you contact the recipient directly and work out the details with them. 

1. Project 2310 - NE FW - Helping Hand - Woman Recovering From a Stroke - Needs a shelf hung up & someone to help get a storage unit organized with her and her aid.

2. Project 2308 - Grabill - Cleaning - Disabled Gentleman - Needs help getting walls cleaned due to landlord pressure.

3. Project 2304 - SE FW - Construction - Disabled Woman - Needs a small ramp built to get a wheelchair up one step and into the house. 

4. Project 2294 - New Haven - HVAC - Disabled Gentleman - Trailer furnace works but the fan is not working properly. Needs to have the fan fixed. 

5. Project 2272 - NW FW - Transportation - Disabled Woman - She would like someone to help drive her to places occassionally such as the library and other erronds. 

6. Project 2256 - NE FW - Exterior Painting - Senior Couple - They need some help finishing scraping/painting the overhangs of the ranch house. Volunteers have already begun this project but it needs finished.

7. Project 2269 - NE FW - Yard Work - Gentleman needs help with weed pulling, grass cutting & other yard maintenance.

8. Project 2095 - NE FW - Interior Painting - Senior couple would like to have a few rooms inside their home painted. They have the supplies. 

9. Project 2106 - SE FW - Property Repair - Senior needs to have her front and back doors inspected/fixed. Says they’re not closing properly. 

10. Project 2129 - SE FW - Appliance Repair - Youth center has commercial stove that isn’t working properly and needs to be fixed. 

Material Needs:
2 - Full or Queen sized complete beds
Washer & Dryer
Air Conditioner

If you would like to donate any of the material needs, please contact me at 260.710.7611 or andrew@nlfw.org

Andrew Hoffman
I believe that social innovation & the power of a healthy neighborhood can transform communities. I'm the husband of Michelle, father to Avery and the soon to be twin Hoffman Boys. We're the H-Train. We live in a historic neighborhood in South Central Fort Wayne. My day job is the Executive Director of NeighborLink Fort Wayne. Photography has quickly become my go to creative outlet that allows me to capture the moments of life that we hold onto dearly for my family and for others.

The Teacher Within


Beautiful Thoughts on Giving - Tim Sanders